Desember 04, 2012

Tema skripsi untuk JavaScript Ninja wannabe

Berikut saya berikan daftar mengenai tema skripsi bagi mahasiswa yang akan mengambil skripsi, khususnya bagi yang berminat di dunia JavaScript. Semua yang saya uraikan disini meliputi JavaScript di sisi server maupun di sisi client. Istilah JavaScript ninja sebenarnya merupakan istilah informal yang merujuk pada seorang developer dengan kemampuan pemrograman JavaScript yang sangat bagus. Istilah ini bahkan digunakan dalam buku yang ditulis oleh John Resig (you know him, right?): Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja ( Nah, jika anda ingin menjadi JavaScript ninja, mengapa tidak mulai mendalami dari saat kuliah dan mengambil materi skripsi tentang JavaScript? Silahkan ambil yang anda sukai dari daftar berikut ini dan gunakan kreativitas anda untuk membuat daftar ini menjadi judul yang lengkap:
  1. Membuat plugin Node.js menggunakan node-gyp (
  2. Interoperabilitas Google Dart dengan JavaScript (
  3. Behaviour-Driven Development menggunakan Jasmine (
  4. Headless full-stack testing di Node.js menggunakan ZombieJS (
  5. Asynchronous testing menggunakan Mocha (
  6. Headless testing menggunakan PhantomJS ( dan
  7. Pengembangan aplikasi berbasis pattern Resourve-View-Presenter menggunakan FlatironJS (
  8. Aplikasi CLI (Command Line Interface) menggunakan FlatironJS (
  9. Navigation scripting dan utilitas testing menggunakan CasperJS (
  10. Semantic template menggunakan Handlebars (
  11. Modernizr sebagai peranti bantu pengembangan aplikasi HTML5 dan CSS3 (
  12. Asynchronous web testing menggunakan Mocha (
  13. Pengembangan aplikasi cloud menggunakan Node.js
  14. Pengembangan aplikasi web menggunakan NoSQL: studi kasus Node.js dan Mongoose
  15. Teknologi middleware Connect - termasuk pengembangan plugin Connect (
  16. Cross-browser websocket untuk aplikasi realtime menggunakan Socket.IO (
  17. Pengembangan plugin GruntJS (
  18. Framework / Pustaka MVC di JavaScript (lihat daftarnya di
  19. Pengembangan aplikasi web menggunakan ExpressJS (
  20. Membangun aplikasi dengan teknologi obyek di JavaScript menggunakan oolib (
  21. Membangun aplikasi desktop berbasis HTML5, CSS3, dan JavaScript menggunakan TideSDK (
Tentu saja ini bukan daftar yang lengkap di dunia JavaScript yang sedemikian kompleks. Jika ada tambahan lagi, catatan ini akan saya edit. Jadi, selamat menikmati proses menjadi JavaScript ninja!

Oktober 02, 2012

Git dan Github: Petunjuk Awal

Mengambil dari repo
  • git clone [lokasi]
  • git clone (jika menggunakan https)
  • git clone git:// (jika menggunakan git)
Membuat repo baru di lokal
  • Buat direktori baru
  • Masuk ke direktori baru tersebut
  • Menambahkan semua file:
    • git add -A
  • Commit:
    • git commit -m "First commit - initializing empty repo"
Melihat status repo lokal
    • git status
File baru di repo
  • Menambahkan file
    • git add [file]
  • Commit:
    • git commit -m "Menambahkan file untuk ..."
  • push ke github
Mengedit file
  • Edit file
  • Commit:
    • git commit -m "Pesan"
  • push ke github
Push ke github
  • Menetapkan repo:
    • git remote add origin
      • contoh: git remote add origin
  • Push:
    • git push origin master

Agustus 24, 2012

Quick and Dirty Hack: Memeriksa dan Membandingkan Versi NodeJS

Salah satu "masalah" dari NodeJS adalah siklus rilis yang saya pikir "terlalu cepat". Seringkali bolak-balik ke website NodeJS untuk melihat apakah sudah ada rilis stabil terbaru atau belum. Sebenarnya tidak harus seperti itu, hanya saja, saya termasuk manusia aneh yang menyukai berada di posisi bleeding edge, jadi setiap ada rilis stabil terbaru, rasanya hidup tidak lengkap jika tidak menggunakan rilis terbaru. Hehehe ...

Nah, untuk keperluan itu, karena saya "capai" bolak-balik, maka saya pakai "script" untuk mengotomatiskan pekerjaan saya. Sederhana saja dan blatantly copied dari contoh di Untuk menggunakan script ini, silahkan install dulu dan nanti sesuaikan lokasi modul ini di komputer anda:


var nodeio = require('/opt/software/nodejs/lib/node_modules/');

exports.job = new nodeio.Job({
  input: false,
  run: function () {
    var url = "";
    this.getHtml(url, function(err, $) {
      if (err) {
      } else {
        ver = $('b').text;
        console.log('Latest version: ' + ver);
        console.log('Local version: ' + process.version);

Script ini (checknode.js) saya chmod +x dan saya letakkan di $PATH, jadi sewaktu-waktu ingin memeriksa, tinggal jalankan script ini:

[bpdp@bpdp-arch checknode]$ checknode.js 
Latest version: v0.8.8
Local version: v0.8.8
[bpdp@bpdp-arch checknode]$

Sayangnya, website NodeJS ini belum meng-embedd data semantik di dalamnya sehingga saya hanya berpatokan pada tag HTML Bold yang menandai versi stabil terbaru dari NodeJS. Akibatnya ya nanti jika struktur isi website NodeJS berubah, maka script ini juga akan "hancur". Lebih bagus jika website NodeJS menggunakan ontologi untuk software seperti The Software Ontology. Well, probably someday :)

Sebenarnya script ini bisa ditambahi fitur untuk mendownload versi baru (jika ada versi baru), tapi nanti dulu deh. Not so important. Yang penting ini dulu saja. Enjoy!

Agustus 23, 2012

Arch Linux Package for ArangoDB

Finally I can finish ArangoDB package PKGBUILD for Arch Linux. The people at triAGENS are helpful. Have to say thank you for their help, especially @steemann, @loremsqlsum, and @fceller. The package can be installed just by using yaourt -S arangodb.

The package PKGBUILD can be downloaded from


Agustus 21, 2012

Change Python Interpreter Temporary (python3 -> python2)

I came across this difficulty when I try to install ArangoDB. It comes with V8 Javascript engine from Google bundled in. Installing V8 requires Python 2, not Python 3 which is the default in my Arch Linux box.

[bpdp@bpdp-arch V8]$ ls `which python`
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Apr 24 06:48 /usr/bin/python -> python3
[bpdp@bpdp-arch V8]$

Luckily, V8 uses "#/usr/bin/env python", not "#/usr/bin/python". To change this behaviour, all I have to do is just ask "env" to use my python2 interpreter. Here's how:

1. Create symlink to python2 under the name "python"
I put the symlink into my "$HOME/bin" directory.
$ cd ~/bin
$ ln -s /usr/bin/python2 python

2. Put into PATH

$ export PATH=~/bin:$PATH

"~/bin" should preced $PATH because env use the first setting.

[bpdp@bpdp-arch arangodb]$ which python
[bpdp@bpdp-arch arangodb]$ env python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 24 2012, 00:06:13) 
[GCC 4.7.0 20120414 (prerelease)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

There you go!

Agustus 16, 2012

NodeJS Installation Without OS Package Management

I use Arch Linux for all my OS activities. Arch Linux has NodeJS package and can be easily installed using pacman -S nodejs but you may see that NodeJS has fast release cycle that my Arch Linux package is sometimes left behind and also sometimes I want to use a specific version (for example, Ace - and editor part of Cloud9 IDE - can not work with NodeJS 0.8.x, it needs 0.6.x). Under this scheme, it can be difficult to deal with OS package management. That said, I need to use my own way to resolve this.

So, here is the way to solve the problem. Download the binary version of NodeJS or directly go to and get the one you need. Extract into specific directory then setup some environment variables into .bashrc so that it will be read automatically whenever I login, or put that into a file and source it whenever I need it. That's all. The details will follow if you are really helpless.

1. Download the binary version. Here I use version 0.8.7:

[bpdp@bpdp-arch nodejs]$ ls -la
total 4320
drwxr-xr-x  2 bpdp users    4096 Aug 17 06:08 .
drwxr-xr-x 22 bpdp users    4096 Aug 16 16:17 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 bpdp users 4401729 Aug 16 06:19 node-v0.8.7-linux-x86.tar.gz
[bpdp@bpdp-arch nodejs]$ 

2. Extract into the directory of your own choice:

[bpdp@bpdp-arch software]$ tar -xzvf ~/master/nodejs/node-v0.8.7-linux-x86.tar.gz
[bpdp@bpdp-arch software]$ ln -s node-v0.8.7-linux-x86 nodejs
[bpdp@bpdp-arch software]$ ls -la
drwxr-xr-x   6 bpdp users  4096 Aug 16 06:18 node-v0.8.7-linux-x86
lrwxrwxrwx   1 bpdp users    21 Aug 17 06:37 nodejs -> node-v0.8.7-linux-x86
[bpdp@bpdp-arch software]$ 

3. Set some environment variables

[bpdp@bpdp-arch environment]$ cat nodejs 


export PATH
export MANPATH
[bpdp@bpdp-arch environment]$ 

4. Source it whenever you need it:

$ source ~/environment/nodejs

Note: I put the env var into a file: $HOME/environment/nodejs

5. Surely you may also put that into your $HOME/.bashrc for automatic activation.

That's all. Happy coding!

Agustus 14, 2012

Working with GitHub and Clojars

This guide is used as a note for myself. If you can benefit from this note, that's fine. Here I just wish to document how I work with GitHub and Clojars. I need to do this since I have my own need for Ring middleware to reload automatically a server without restart whenever a namespace in Ring is modified. The original version was not maintained I think, since it uses Clojure 1.2.0.


I forked the ring-reload-modified to my Github account. This can be done easily using step 1 and 2 from (I use only step 1 and 2 since I only want to fork and modified my forked version, not upstream version).

Let's say for this time I just want to edit the and project.clj files. After I edit those files, I just put them in committed state:

[bpdp@bpdp-arch ring-reload-modified]$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
#   (use "git add [file]..." to update what will be committed)
#   (use "git checkout -- [file]..." to discard changes in working directory)
# modified:
# modified:   project.clj
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
[bpdp@bpdp-arch ring-reload-modified]$

We can see from the status that it has 2 changes: and project.clj but I haven't commit anything. Here's how to commit:

[bpdp@bpdp-arch ring-reload-modified]$ git commit -a
[master ada41aa] Adjust to latest Clojure version (1.4.0)
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
[bpdp@bpdp-arch ring-reload-modified]$ 

Then it's time to push the committed version to Github repository:

 [bpdp@bpdp-arch ring-reload-modified]$ git push origin master
 Username for '': bpdp
 Password for '': 
 Counting objects: 7, done.
 Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
 Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
 Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 721 bytes, done.
 Total 4 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
    6dfdc5c..ada41aa  master -> master
 [bpdp@bpdp-arch ring-reload-modified]$

Let's see the result in Github profile:

The result in Github project page (I have pushed another commit so the history is different with above).


To upload the library, I need to prepare my ssh public key first:

[bpdp@bpdp-arch ring-reload-modified]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/bpdp/.ssh/id_rsa): 
/home/bpdp/.ssh/id_rsa already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)? y
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in /home/bpdp/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/bpdp/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
87:fc:8f:35:18:20:2e:8f:73:d2:b5:71:ea:0e:85:01 bpdp@bpdp-arch
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|    E            |
|     .           |
|      o .        |
|     . = o       |
|    . o S +      |
|     = o B o     |
|    + = o o o    |
|     + o   + .   |
|       .o . .    |
[bpdp@bpdp-arch ring-reload-modified]$

The public key should be put into the Clojars first. So, first we need to register by using

Now, it's time to upload to Clojars:

[bpdp@bpdp-arch ring-reload-modified]$ lein2 jar   
Created /home/bpdp/master/clojure/libs/ring-reload-modified/target/ring-reload-modified-0.1.2.jar
[bpdp@bpdp-arch ring-reload-modified]$ lein2 pom
Wrote /home/bpdp/master/clojure/libs/ring-reload-modified/pom.xml
[bpdp@bpdp-arch ring-reload-modified]$ scp pom.xml target/ring-reload-modified-0.1.2.jar
Enter passphrase for key '/home/bpdp/.ssh/id_rsa': 
Welcome to Clojars, bpdp!
pom.xml                                                           100% 2672     2.6KB/s   00:00    
ring-reload-modified-0.1.2.jar                                    100% 5328     5.2KB/s   00:00    

Deploying org.clojars.bpdp/ring-reload-modified 0.1.2

Success! Your jars are now available from
[bpdp@bpdp-arch ring-reload-modified]$

Now I can use the library that I upload to Clojars:

That's all big guy. Have a happy hacking!

Agustus 12, 2012

Mengakses Basis Data Graph OrientDB Menggunakan Clojure

OrientDB adalah salah satu basis data NOSQL dengan kemampuan basis data obyek, graph, document, serta flat. API untuk basis data ini bermacam-macam dan karena dikembangkan menggunakan Java, maka API yang paling utama adalah Java, meski demikian, tersedia juga API untuk JavaScript dan implementasi bahasa-bahasa pemrograman berbasis JVM seperti Clojure dan Scala.

Pada tulisan ini saya akan sedikit membahas tentang akses dengan menggunakan Clojure. Wrapper Clojure untuk API OrientDB dibuat oleh Eduardo Julián. Versi binary bisa diperoleh dari melalui Leiningen dan versi kode sumber bisa diperoleh di (sayangnya, dokumentasi kurang jelas). Langkah sederhana berikut digunakan untuk mengakses OrientDB dari Clojure menggunakan Leiningen.

1. Buat project

$ lein new orientweb

2. Hasil:

[bpdp@bpdp-arch orientweb]$ tree
|-- doc
|   `--
|-- project.clj
|-- src
|   `-- orientweb
|       `-- core.clj
`-- test
    `-- orientweb
        `-- core_test.clj
5 directories, 6 files
[bpdp@bpdp-arch orientweb]$ 

3. Edit project.clj, isikan berikut ini:
(defproject orientweb "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "FIXME: write description"
  :url ""
  :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
               :url ""}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]
                         [clj-orient "0.5.0"]]
  :main orientweb.core)

4. Download dependencies dengan perintah:
lein deps

5. Koneksi terdapat pada file core.clj
(ns orientweb.core)
(require '[clj-orient.core :as orientcore]
            '[clj-orient.graph :as orientgraph])
(orientcore/set-db! (orientgraph/open-graph-db! "remote:localhost/demo" "admin" "admin"))

(def mydb (orientcore/db-info orientcore/*db*))

(defn -main 
   [& args]
   (println "Information about the database:")
   (doseq [[key val] mydb] (prn key val))

6. Hasil eksekusi:
[bpdp@bpdp-arch orientweb]$ lein compile
Compiling orientweb.core
Compilation succeeded.
[bpdp@bpdp-arch orientweb]$ lein run
All namespaces already :aot compiled
Information about the database:
:name "demo"
:url "remote:localhost/demo"
:status "OPEN"
:user #
[bpdp@bpdp-arch orientweb]$ 

Happy hacking!

Juli 28, 2012

Fancy Header with KOMA-Script

Using KOMA-script for my dissertation, does make me a bit confuse. Reading its manual is a bit daunting since I am a new user of KOMA-Script although I am a self-proclaimed average LaTeX user. Here I will give a guide to create fancy header. I will not explain a lot, just directly put my LaTeX source so that you can get them directly to create a fancy header. Here's the source:















I put all of my main full source so that you can imagine how to fit KOMA-Script into your source. The part of the source which come from KOMA-Script listed below:




Header Definition


Display "Abstract" Title


The result is the document which has page number as the footer in every beginning of the chapter and the fancy header with chapter - section - page number and line for the next pages.

I believe that you love to read the manual, so if you want to know the meaning of the commands above, have a look at KOMA-Script manual. :)

Juli 27, 2012

Install User Level Tex Live Package - fncychap

Tex Live provide a big comprehensive TeX system which is very useful for document production. Although Tex Live provide complete but still there are lots of packages which are available at CTAN and can be installed to suit our need. Here I will explain a bit about how to install a package, specifically at user level, not global level. The package which will be installed is fncychap. This package is used to manage our "Chapter" display.

Directory Location

Packages in Tex Live installed in and /usr/share/texmf-dist. Those packages are available for all of users in the system. To check whether a package is installed, we can test it by asking kpsewhich to the system:

$ kpsewhich fancyhdr.sty

We may see the pattern. All of the package's file reside in /usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/package-name/. If we want to install the package, actually we can do that easily by just copy all of the distribution according to this pattern, but this practice is discouraged and considered a bad practice since it can be confusing whenever we want to uninstall or whenever Tex Live is upgraded. If it can not find the package, it will says like this:

$ kpsewhich wuthesis

Well, nothing, huh? Yes. It says nothing. How polite :). In my Linux box, all of the user level packages should be installed by copy them to $HOME/texmf/tex/latex/, so whenever we want to install package, just copy them to that directory:

$ ls -la ~/texmf/tex/latex/
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 3 bpdp users 4096 Jul 28 10:05 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 bpdp users 4096 Jul 28 09:18 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 bpdp users 4096 Jul 28 09:18 fncychap
[bpdp@bpdp-arch submitted]$

Enter fncychap

fncychap package is a package, created by Ulf. A. Lindgren, to alter chapter headings appearance. To install this package, just copy them to $HOME/texmf/tex/latex/ as written above. To use this package, just use it:


You may other style then Sonny, for example Bjarne, Lenny, Bjornstrup, Glenn, Conny, and Rejne. The result is like this:

Beautiful :)

Juli 14, 2012

Web Semiotics: Web As a Sign System


A "web application", also known as "website" or just "web", is a kind of application which uses client-server architecture built on top of TCP/IP network infrastructure. This has become an important part of every organization in the world. Lots of people around the world use organization's website as the way to find any information about organization, products, quality, and any other things specific for that organization. Therefore, it is important to understand how one can develop a website which will become a representation of the organization. In this sense, we may say that the website has become a sign which will represent the organization. An understanding of the sign systems as the key concepts in semiotics will be important for web engineer.

What is Semiotics?

Semiotics itself is a complex topic. Its root comes from ancient greek although at first it comes from medical things by Hippocrates (460 - 377 BC) to mean essentially a medical diagnosis, a disease based on 'sign' or known as symptoms. It was Plato (circa 428 - 347 BC) who took it away from medical diagnosis with his argumentation that human forms were deceptive things that did not stand for reality directly, but rather as a mental idealization of it (Danesi, 2004). Aristotle (384 - 322 BC), a pupil of Pluto, investigate the relation between forms and reality more closely. There are still many name who has big impact toward semiotics world but since we will not concentrate on historical perspective, we will not go into the details on semiotics history. We will propose some theories which will have impact towards our understanding of Web as a sign systems.

The term "Semiotics" was used by British Philosopher - John Locke (1632 - 1704). At that time, the term was "Semeiotics" (from Greek word "Semeion", means "a sign, a mark"), and it was used in his book "Essay Concerning Human Understanding" (1690). Meanwhile, Ferdinand de Saussure (1857 - 1913) used the word "Semiology" to denote the study of sign (he used the -logy just as other discipline such as psychology, biology, anthropology, sociology, etc). Charles S. Pierce reintroduce Locke's concept and consistently used the word "Semiotics". Until now, it becomes a strong influence and people tend to use the word "Semiotics" (Danesi, 2004). There are some scholars who made definition about Semiotics. The shortest definition is that it is "the study of signs", while a sign is defined as "something that stands for something, to someone in some capacity" (Danesi and Perron, 1999). A definition of Semiotics by Ferdinand de Saussure (although he called it "Semiology" in this definition) will be used:

A science that studies the life of signs within society is conceivable. It would be part of social psychology and consequently of general psychology. I shall call it semiology (from Greek semeion “sign”). Semiology would show what constitutes signs, what laws govern them.

Saussure offered a "dyadic" or two-part model of the sign. He defined a sign as being composed of "signifier" / "signifiant" (the form which the sign takes) and the "signified" / "signifié" (the concept it represents) (Chandler, 2011). In a graphical form, this definition and its example can be represented below (picture was taken from Chandler, 2011):

Different with Saussure, Peirce characterized "triadic" or three-part model of the sign. He defined a sign as being composed of the three elements:

  1. Sign or Representamen (e.g Saussure's signifier).
  2. Object: the thing that represented by sign. This could be physically real object such as "laptop" and "car", or abstract concept such as "bright idea" and "I don't care about the story that you told me and I feel boring".
  3. Interpretant: according to Peirce in his own words: "The Sign creates something in the Mind of the Interpreter, which something, in that it has been so created by the sign, has been, in a mediate and relative way, also created by the Object of the Sign, although the Object is essentially other than the Sign. And this creature of the sign is called the Interpretant" (see Bergman and Paavola, 2003). Simply put, it is the part of sign which is used to denote the meaning of sign by sign interpreter, the sense made by the sign.

These triadic model can be represented with the diagram below (picture was taken from Irvine, 2012):

The Peirce triadic model also known as "The Semiotic Triangle", has some variants. The most well-known variant is the semiotic triangle which proposed by Ogden and Richard in their book which was published in 1923 titled "The Meaning of Meaning" (picture was taken from

Semiotics and Sign System

Loosely speaking, a website can always be considered as the representation of whatever behind the website, be it a company, a person, business entity, musical band, singer, etc. Using Peirce's Triadic, we may define a website as a part of semiotics and as a sign system below:

It is clear from the diagram that developing website should consider first about "what should be the interpretant"? We may then can begin our adventure to web semiotics by accomodating some theory from algebra, which is now known as "Algebra Semiotics". Surely there are many areas which affect the engineering of a website, for example, social aspect should be considered as an important part, the "knowledge" embedded into the website also make sense as a part of knowledge engineering, while we should not forget also many technical TCP/IP things and all other important software engineering topics related with the engineering of the web, and many others.

In the future, I will dig deeper about Algebra Semiotics and how it probably can help developers in Semantic and Pragmatic Web. 

  • Daniel Chandler, "Semiotics for Beginner",, accessed July 8, 2012 22:40.
  • Marcel Danesi, Paul Perron, "Analyzing Cultures: An Introduction and Handbook", Indiana University Press, 1999.
  • Marcel Danesi, "Messages, Signs, and Meanings: A Basic Textbook in Semiotics and Communication", 3rd edition, Canadian Scholars' Press Inc, Toronto, 2004.
  • Martin Irvine, "Structural Linguistics, Semiotics, and Communication Theory: Basic Outlines and Assumptions",, accessed July 9, 2012 05:45.
  • Mats Bergman, Sami Paavola, "The Commens Dictionary of Peirce's Terms",, accessed July 9, 2012 05:16.

Juli 13, 2012

Utilizing Leiningen Profile

In my previous post about setting up Emacs for Clojure development, I suggest to include lein-swank inside the plugins' project.clj. Eventhough this approach work, here I will explain how to use Leiningen profile to separate the plugins / libraries which will act as helper and with other plugins / libraries which will be included in the project result. You will find that separation of concerns is beatiful.

Ok, now here's the problem. I would like to use lein-swank for my development with Emacs but I don't want to interfere my project with all of those clutters, I just want my project to include my source code and my libraries. This is where Leiningen profile comes into play. To this end, use profile.clj inside Leiningen home (that is $HOME/.lein/). The default profile which will be executed is "user". Here is mine:

[bpdp@bpdp-arch ~]$ tree .lein/
|-- profiles.clj
`-- self-installs   
     |-- leiningen-1.7.1-standalone.jar   
      `-- leiningen-2.0.0-preview7-standalone.jar
1 directory, 3 files[bpdp@bpdp-arch ~]$ 

Here's the profile.clj content:

[bpdp@bpdp-arch .lein]$ cat profiles.clj 
{:user {:plugins [[lein-swank "1.4.4"]
                         [lein-pprint "1.1.1"]]}}
[bpdp@bpdp-arch .lein]$ 

This way, you can - for example - execute lein-swank without include them in your project.clj anymore. You may add other plugins. I just use lein-pprint in the meantime. There are still many things that can be done using this profile, for example, you can use this profile to test multiversion plugins / libraries, etc. I will write them later.

Happy hacking!

Juli 12, 2012

Using Emacs for Clojure Development

There are many (confusing) blog posts about using Emacs for Clojure development but I promise you not to make you confuse a bit more (hopefully. :-D). Since I use Clojure for my dissertation and usually Clojurians use Emacs (for obvious reasons), then here I come.

There are some steps to do to prepare Emacs. I use Linux (Arch Linux) here, so, probably it won't be applicable for other OS, but this usually the same with other Linux distros. Some software that needs to be installed properly before are JDK, Clojure, Leiningen (I use version 2), and Emacs (version 24, 23 is okay but you have to prepare package management by yourself and it's quite tricky). Those are already explained properly at each of the website, so I will not repeat it again here. Basically, there are one-time-only setup procedures below:

  1. Setup Emacs package management
  2. Install clojure-mode, swank-clojure, slime and slime-repl
  3. Prepare syntax highlighting
When they are all installed and configured successfully, then the project and source code should be configured  to include swank-clojure.
  1. Prepare project: source code and dependencies.
After all of those steps, then all you have to do is coding. The details follow.

Setup Emacs Package Management
In Linux, usually all of those Emacs file for user will reside in $HOME/.emacs.d/. Inside, there is a file - init.el - which is used to store Lisp script for Emacs configuration. To setup Emacs package management, put this into init.el:

(require 'package)
(setq package-archives '(("ELPA" . "")
    ("gnu" . "")
    ("marmalade" . "")))

Those lines are used to let Emacs know about the package archives / repositories (ELPA, gnu, and marmalade) then activate package management. If you edit the init.el file from Emacs, you may activate them by using M-x eval-current-buffer when you are in init.el buffer. If you are confuse, just exit from Emacs (C-x C-c) then fire up Emacs again.

Install clojure-mode, swank-clojure, slime and slime-repl
SLIME (The Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs) and SLIME-REPL are package to interact with Lisp, especially useful for coding (code evaluation, completion, /etc). In this post, we will install this and make it interact with swank for the benefit of coding in Clojure inside Emacs. Here is how to install them:
  1. M-x package-list-packages, it will access package repositories and show them inside buffer.
  2. Find clojure-mode, swank-clojure, slime, and slime-repl on the list. In each of package, click on the name, then click on "Install" (yes, you can also use your keyboad: put cursor on the name, enter, then "C-x o" to go to the description window below, put cursor on "Install" then RET (or you may call it Enter key).

Prepare Syntax Highlighting
To activate clojure-mode and make all color output, put this into init.el:
;; these for Clojure, activate then turn on 
(require 'clojure-mode)
(defun turn-on-paredit () (paredit-mode 1))
(add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook 'turn-on-paredit)

;; syntax highlighting for swank
(add-hook 'slime-repl-mode-hook
   (defun clojure-mode-slime-font-lock ()
     (require 'clojure-mode)
     (let (font-lock-mode)
And that's all for setting up Clojure development environment in Emacs. The following detail is only one-time whenever you want to create new project.

Prepare Project Source Code and Dependencies
Using Leiningen, use this command (my Leiningen script name is "lein2", by default, if you follow installation instruction in Leiningen website, this script name should be "lein". I use "lein2" because I have 2 Leiningen alive: "lein" for stable version - 1.x and "lein2" for development version - 2.x):

[bpdp@bpdp-arch clojure]$ lein2 new zax
Generating a project called zax based on the 'default' template.
To see other templates (app, lein plugin, etc), try `lein help new`.
[bpdp@bpdp-arch clojure]$ tree zax/
|-- doc
|   `--
|-- project.clj
|-- src
|   `-- zax
|       `-- core.clj
|-- target
|   |-- classes
|   `-- stale
|       `-- dependencies
`-- test
    `-- zax
        `-- core_test.clj

8 directories, 6 files
[bpdp@bpdp-arch clojure]$ 
Edit project.clj to include lein-swank plugin:
[bpdp@bpdp-arch zax]$ cat project.clj 
(defproject zax "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "FIXME: write description"
  :url ""
  :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
            :url ""}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]]
              :plugins [[lein-swank "1.4.4"]])
[bpdp@bpdp-arch zax]$ 
That's all for project and source code preparation. Now, whenever you want to go crazy with Emacs and Clojure, activate swank server and have it connected from inside Emacs. This step below will show you the details:

Activate swank server
Use this command from shell:

[bpdp@bpdp-arch zax]$ lein2 swank 4005 localhost :colors? true 
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 50069
Connection opened on localhost port 4005.
From inside Emacs, you may connect to this process by using "M-x slime-connect". Emacs will ask you the host and port where swank live: 

Port: 4005

RET to accept the default value. Emacs will activate SLIME:

The statement "Connected. Your hacking starts... NOW!" probably different with yours. It will be displayed randomly (some will make you laugh or at least smile). Whenever we have source code in Clojure, we can evaluate or do many things (see swank-clojure README). Here I just want to give example of evaluating current buffer. Put the source code into the new buffer, here's the example:

(defn relay [x i]
  (when (:next x)
    (send (:next x) relay i))
  (when (and (zero? i) (:report-queue x))
    (.put (:report-queue x) i))
(defn run [m n]
  (let [q (new java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue)
        hd (reduce (fn [next _] (agent {:next next}))
                   (agent {:report-queue q}) (range (dec m)))]
    (doseq [i (reverse (range n))]
      (send hd relay i))
    (.take q)))
(time (run 1000 1000))

(print "It's the end of the beginning")
To evaluate and run, go to the buffer, then do "C-c C-k". Here's the result:

The result will be showed in REPL:

That's all. happy hacking!

Juni 20, 2012

Arsitektur Aplikasi Web Semantik: Antara Ada dan Tidak Ada

Artikel sederhana ini sebenarnya berawal dari berbagai pertanyaan (awam) yang sering saya temui terkait dengan Web Semantik (in English: Semantic Web). Pertanyaan yang paling sering saya temui biasanya dari 'dunia nyata' alias dari para praktisi pengembang aplikasi web. Meski banyak perdebatan dengan orang-orang yang skeptis dengan Web Semantik, saya pikir, mengubah web menjadi 100% linked data memang mustahil, tetapi tidak berarti kemudian harus meniadakan 100%. Jadi, jika posisi anda adalah pengembang ataupun ilmuwan yang skeptis dengan Web Semantik, berarti kita berada pada posisi yang berbeda. You are on your own, I am on my own. Web memang kompleks.

Kompleksitas ini memang sesuatu yang inherent karena sifatnya yang meliputi 'seluruh dunia'. Berawal dari 'hanya' HTTP dan HTML yang diimplementasikan di atas TCP/IP, Web berubah menjadi sesuatu yang kompleks saat ini. Web Semantik itu sendiri merupakan perpanjangan dari Web Sintaktik (Syntactic Web), bukan meniadakan Web Sintaktik. Web Sintaktik itu sendiri sebenarnya 'hanya' terkait dengan berbagai spesifikasi serta peranti yang memungkinkan untuk terjadinya hubungan klien-server dengan platform Web dengan penekanan lebih pada interaksi antara manusia dengan aplikasi. W3C dan berbagai badan penentu standar kemudian membuat berbagai standar yang terkait dengan hal ini, misalnya (X)HTML, HTTP(S), JavaScript, PNG, SVG, CSS, dan lain-lain.

Banyak kebingungan yang kemudian terjadi disini. Kebingungan ini sebenarnya adalah sesuatu hal yang wajar karena manusia cenderung mencari kepastian, dalam kasus ini adalah Web Sintaktik dengan Web Semantik. Sampai dimana suatu aplikasi disebut sebagai Web Sintaktik? Seperti apakah Web Semantik? Apa sebenarnya definisi dari Web Semantik? Bagaimana suatu aplikasi bisa disebut sebagai aplikasi Web Semantik? Masalah muncul karena tidak ada badan yang berwenang untuk menetapkan "jawaban" dari berbagai pertanyaan tersebut. Bahkan FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) tentang Web Semantik dari W3C (The World menyatakan bahwa tidak ada definisi formal tentang Web Semantik:
1.2. Are there any other definitions or thought of Semantic Web, if any?
No formal definitions, but of course there are different approaches. Indeed, the complexity and variety of applications referring to the Semantic Web is increasing every day, which means that various application areas, implementers, developers, etc, would emphasize different aspects of Semantic Web technologies. This wide range of applications include data integration, knowledge representation and analysis, cataloguing services, improving search algorithms and methods, social networks, etc.
Sumber: FAQ resmi tersebut lebih menekankan pada tujuan utama dari Web Semantik (main goals of the Semantic Web), lihat pertanyaan pertama dan jawabannya di FAQ tersebut. W3C menyediakan berbagai spesifikasi yang memungkinkan untuk mendefinisikan data terbuka sehingga bisa dimungkinkan keterkaitan antara berbagai sumber daya di Internet. Di dunia praktik, menuju data terbuka ini menjadi masalah yang 99% terkait dengan masalah non teknologi.

Dengan kondisi seperti di atas, akan terasa kompleks sekali untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dimuka. Berbagai usaha telah dilakukan untuk mendefinisikan arsitektur aplikasi Web Semantik (sering juga disebut sebagai "The Semantic Web Layer Cake" atau "The Semantic Web Layered Architecture" atau "The Semantic Web Stack"). Arsitektur tersebut pada awalnya dirumuskan oleh Tim Berners-Lee ( Setelah itu, setidaknya terdapat 4 versi arsitektur aplikasi Web Semantik (lihat Haytham Al-Feel, M.A.Koutb, and Hoda Suoror, 2009). James Hendler mengkritisi arsitektur yang dianggap "resmi" dan merupakan versi iterasi terakhir (2006) pada presentasi di Dagstuhl (


Usaha untuk "menyatukan" persepsi dan menuju pada kesepakatan arsitektur aplikasi Web Semantik pun juga menjadi perhatian. Beberapa paper berikut membahas tentang arsitektur aplikasi Web Semantik:

  • Bernardo Cuenca Grau. 2004. A possible simplification of the semantic web architecture. In Proceedings of the 13th international conference on World Wide Web (WWW '04). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 704-713. DOI=10.1145/988672.988769 
  • Michael Kifer, Jos de Bruijn, Harold Boley, and Dieter Fensel RuleML, volume 3791 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 17-29. Springer, (2005) 
  • Ian Horrocks, Bijan Parsia, Peter Patel-Schneider, James Hendler, Semantic Web Architecture: Stack or Two Towers? Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning (2005), pp. 37-41, doi:10.1007/11552222_4 
  • Aurona Gerber, Alta van der Merwe, and Andries Barnard. 2008. A functional semantic web architecture. In Proceedings of the 5th European semantic web conference on The semantic web: research and applications (ESWC'08), Sean Bechhofer, Manfred Hauswirth, Jorg Hoffmann, and Manolis Koubarakis (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 273-287. 
  • H. Al-Feel, M. A. Koutb, and H. Sorour, "Toward an Agreement on Semantic Web Architecture," in Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies, Dubai, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, France, , pp. 806-810, 2009. 
Perlu diketahui bahwa sampai saat ini tidak ada "kesepakatan" tentang arsitektur aplikasi Web Semantik. Dari berbagai skema serta arsitektur di atas, terdapat beberapa spesifikasi yang bisa dibilang sudah matang (RDF, RDFS, OWL, IRI, XML, SPARQL, RIF) maupun masih dalam bentuk draft versi perbaikannya. Beberapa bagian malah sama sekali belum ada (Logic, Proof, Trust). Berdasarkan pada berbagai situasi di atas, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa pada saat ini beberapa teknologi telah matang dan siap diimplementasikan, sementara diantara ketidakpastian arsitektur tersebut terdapat juga beberapa hal yang masih menjadi bahan penelitian. Secara umum, sudah saatnya bagi para pengembang aplikasi Web untuk mulai memikirkan berpindah ke level teknologi berikutnya:

  • Data terdistribusi yang interoperable yang memungkinkan keterkaitan antar berbagai sumber data di Web. Teknologi yang memungkinkan untuk ini adalah RDF dan RDFS. Berbagai teknologi yang memungkinkan penyimpanan data secara persistent untuk tipe ini juga telah dikembangkan (dikenal dengan istilah Triplestore). Secara non teknis, perlu didorong penggunaan data ini sehingga memungkinkan adanya data terbuka di Internet yang bisa saling diakses dan membentuk "pengetahuan" baru untuk kebaikan para pengguna Web. Untuk memungkinkan interoperabilitas yang lebih baik, gunakan skema untuk mendefinisikan Ontologi (RDF Schema, OWL, dan SKOS). Beberapa spesifikasi yang bisa digabungkan dengan teknologi legacy serta sumber data lainnya juga dimungkinkan untuk digunakan, misalnya RDFa, GRDDL, dan POWDER. 
  • Bahasa untuk query data yang ter-relasi melalui RDF tersebut. Teknologi ini dikenal dengan spesifikasi SPARQL. 

Pada tulisan-tulisan berikutnya, saya akan membahas berbagai spesifikasi tersebut serta ketersediaan peranti yang memungkinkan bagi para pengembang aplikasi Web untuk mengembangkan aplikasi yang kompatibel dengan teknologi Web Semantik.

Februari 14, 2012

Using OrientDB - Tinkerpop Blueprints from NetBeans

Using OrientDB from NetBeans is pretty easy. Here I will give you some of the steps needed for the uninitiated. NetBeans version is not so important, although in this posting I use NetBeans 7.1. To follow this article, you need OrientDB (as this is about Tinkerpop Blueprints, of course you need orientdb-graphed package - mine is 1.0RC8), JDK (mine is JDK7_u2), and NetBeans (mine is 7.1). This article assume that we will use remote mode URL from OrientDB to connect to database. Here I just use tinkerpop database which already exist in $ORIENTDB_HOME/database/tinkerpop. So, first time is fire up your server:

Open NetBeans and create your project (File - New Project - Java - Java Application) and put this:

Our project structure looks like this:

Next, we should manage OrientDB library. Choose Tools - Library Manager and put all of the jar files in $ORIENTDB_HOME/lib into one container like this (mine is called OrientDB-Tinkerpop):

After that, we put the library into our project by choosing File - Project Properties (FirstOrientDB) - Libraries then add OrientDB-Tinkerpop library into our project:

That's all the steps needed to prepare our project. For the source code part, it won't be too difficult also since we have the example from Tinkerpop Blueprints wiki (although they use Neo4J as an example). The class for OrientDB is OrientGraph. So, put this source code inside
package firstorientdb;

import com.orientechnologies.common.exception.OException;
import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.pgm.impls.orientdb.OrientGraph;

 * @author bpdp
public class FirstOrientDB {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {

 OrientGraph graph = null;

        try {

            graph = new OrientGraph("remote:localhost/tinkerpop", "admin", "admin");

        } catch (OException e) {
            System.out.println("Not succeed - " + e.getMessage());
        } finally {

            if( graph != null )


In the firstime, usually you have error from NetBeans. This error comes from library which should be imported. Instead of writing import statement by myself, I let the error happened and then resolve it by using Ctrl-Shift-I. From the source code, you may see that the connection was done by OrientGraph class. Its parameters are URL, username, password. We can see also that we can catch error by catching OException, the base Exception class in OrientDB. Here is the result when you press F6 or run the project:

If you can make it until this step, then you may now use Tinkerpop with your OrientDB inside your NetBeans project. Happy hacking!

Introduction to Graph Database and OrientDB

Graph database is a kind of NOSQL database which simply a term to show about the database management system software which is not a part of relational database. Since the scalability issues have arise and become a very big concerns for any company, this kind of database is getting more and more attention. People usually call this kind of needs on data scalability as web scale.

You may see from the data needs and inherent characteristics of web application that web is usually comprise of many resources which can link each other. This characteric is inherent in a graph, just like mathematicians usually care about. While the discussion about graph theory is outside from the scope of this article, readers interested in background theory about graph database should find a good book in discrete mathematics and especially graph theory. Graph theory is one prime object study of discrete mathematics and become one prominent theory since the first publishing of Leonhard Euler paper entitled "Seven Bridges of Königsberg". A graph consists of vertices and edges, as explained in this picture:

Graph theory has a very broad range of application, not just in web and / or computer science. That said, I will not repeat the things that already written in Wikipedia, just have a look at the Wikipedia articles and found it by yourself.

There are some companies and open source projects that realize the importance of graph theory and start the development of graph database. To make you confuse, there are some software that you can use, for example Neo4J, OrientDB, Mulgara - a specialized version of Graph Database which deals with RDF, etc. Benchmarking and choosing which graph database is better is not in the scope of this article and I personally do not interested in all of those lies, so I just want to use OrientDB for all my graph database needs. :p

OrientDB comes with small size zipped file. It takes only around 2 MB for OrientDB or you may get OrientDB with all of Tinkerpop "standard" inside only with around 8 MB size.
-rw-r--r-- 1 bpdp users 2689843 Feb  3 06:06
-rw-r--r-- 1 bpdp users 8584056 Feb  3 06:07

You will ask then, what is the difference between those two zip files? orientdb-version is the graph database software and only OrientDB, while for orientdb-graphed, is also consists of Tinkerpop thingie beside the graph database. Tinkerpop builds some software (open source) related with graph. You can use this graphed edition if you want to enable Tinkerpop abilities in your OrientDB database. It provides wrapper for OrientDB database so that you can use Tinkerpop related API in your software. There are 4 API supported by OrientDB: Blueprints, Gremlin, Rexster, and Pipes.

In this article, we will use the graphed version. Installation is pretty easy, as long as you have JDK, then it should not be a problem at all. What you need to do is only unzip the file and set some enviroment variables.
$ unzip
$ cd orientdb-graphed-1.0rc8

I put this in my $HOME/.bashrc file:
export ORIENTDB_HOME=/home/bpdp/software/orientdb/orientdb-graphed

One more thing, we should also change the configuration in $ORIENTDB_HOME/config/ to reflect the location of the log file:

You may of course change the location to any other place in filesystem that you want. To execute the server, use $ORIENTDB_HOME/bin/ shell script:
          .`        `                                     
          ,      `:.                                      
         `,`    ,:`                                       
         .,.   :,,                                        
         .,,  ,,,                                         
    .    .,.:::::  ````                                   
    ,`   .::,,,,::.,,,,,,`;;                      .:      
    `,.  ::,,,,,,,:.,,.`  `                       .:      
     ,,:,:,,,,,,,,::.   `        `         ``     .:      
      ,,:.,,,,,,,,,: `::, ,,   ::,::`   : :,::`  ::::     
       ,:,,,,,,,,,,::,:   ,,  :.    :   ::    :   .:      
        :,,,,,,,,,,:,::   ,,  :      :  :     :   .:      
  `     :,,,,,,,,,,:,::,  ,, .::::::::  :     :   .:      
  `,...,,:,,,,,,,,,: .:,. ,, ,,         :     :   .:      
    .,,,,::,,,,,,,:  `: , ,,  :     `   :     :   .:      
      ...,::,,,,::.. `:  .,,  :,    :   :     :   .:      
           ,::::,,,. `:   ,,   :::::    :     :   .:      
           ,,:` `,,.                                      
          ,,,    .,`                                      
         ,,.     `,                     GRAPH-DB Server   
       ``        `.                                       

2012-02-11 10:34:02:864 INFO [OLogManager] OrientDB Server v1.0rc8 (build @BUILD@) is starting up...
2012-02-11 10:34:03:336 INFO [OLogManager] -> Loaded memory database 'temp'
2012-02-11 10:34:03:372 INFO [OLogManager] Listening binary connections on
2012-02-11 10:34:03:375 INFO [OLogManager] Listening cluster connections on
2012-02-11 10:34:03:377 INFO [OLogManager] Listening http connections on
2012-02-11 10:34:03:402 INFO [OLogManager] Installing GREMLIN language v.1.4
2012-02-11 10:34:03:437 INFO [OLogManager] OrientDB Server v1.0rc8 is active.

From another terminal, we may use $ORIENTDB_HOME/bin/ shell script to access the server:
OrientDB console v.1.0rc8 (build @BUILD@)
Type 'help' to display all the commands supported.

Installing extensions for GREMLIN language v.1.4


The database usually located in $ORIENTDB_HOME/database. Although you may have filesystem and memory as a URL for connection, this time we will use only remote to connect to the database. Here is how you will do it and how you will display information about the database:
> connect remote:localhost/tinkerpop admin admin
Connecting to database [remote:localhost/tinkerpop] with user 'admin'...OK

> info
Current database: tinkerpop (url=remote:localhost/tinkerpop)

Total size: 1.48Mb

Cluster configuration: {

 NAME                                         |  ID  | TYPE                | RECORDS   | SIZE      |
 index                                        |     1| PHYSICAL            |        11 |Not supported |
 orole                                        |     3| PHYSICAL            |         3 |Not supported |
 ouser                                        |     4| PHYSICAL            |         3 |Not supported |
 default                                      |     2| PHYSICAL            |         0 |Not supported |
 ographvertex                                 |     6| PHYSICAL            |       813 |Not supported |
 ographedge                                   |     7| PHYSICAL            |      8051 |Not supported |
 orids                                        |     5| PHYSICAL            |      3080 |Not supported |
 internal                                     |     0| PHYSICAL            |         3 |Not supported |
 TOTAL                                                                               0 |        0b |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------+

 NAME                                         | CLUSTERS            | RECORDS   |
 ORIDs                                        | 5                   |      3080 |
 OUser                                        | 4                   |         3 |
 OGraphEdge                                   | 7                   |      8051 |
 ORole                                        | 3                   |         3 |
 OGraphVertex                                 | 6                   |       813 |
 TOTAL                                                                    11950 |

 NAME                                         | TYPE       |         CLASS         |     FIELDS     | RECORDS   |
 edges                                        | NOTUNIQUE  |                       |                |        89 |
 vertices                                     | NOTUNIQUE  |                       |                |       977 |
 dictionary                                   | DICTIONARY |                       |                |         0 |
 TOTAL = 3                                                                                                 1066 |


To shutdown the server, give command from the shell:
Sending shutdown command to remote OrientDB Server instance...
Shutdown executed correctly

You will see this one from server console:
2012-02-14 10:47:50:750 INFO [OLogManager] Received shutdown command from the remote client /
2012-02-14 10:47:50:750 INFO [OLogManager] Remote client / authenticated. Starting shutdown of server...
2012-02-14 10:47:50:751 INFO [OLogManager] OrientDB Server is shutdowning...
2012-02-14 10:47:51:497 INFO [OLogManager] Shutdowning handler graph...
2012-02-14 10:47:51:498 INFO [OLogManager] Shutdowning handler default...
2012-02-14 10:47:51:499 INFO [OLogManager] Shutdowning handler automaticBackup...
2012-02-14 10:47:51:499 INFO [OLogManager] Shutdowning connection listener 'ONetworkProtocolBinary /'...
2012-02-14 10:47:51:499 INFO [OLogManager] Shutdowning connection listener 'OClusterNetworkProtocol /'...
2012-02-14 10:47:51:500 INFO [OLogManager] Shutdowning connection listener 'ONetworkProtocolHttpDb /'...
2012-02-14 10:47:51:500 INFO [OLogManager] OrientDB Server shutdown complete

To conclude, there are still some areas that maybe need more attention. People in IT love standardization, although sometimes they create more than one standard for one purpose. UnQL, the standard for document-oriented is alredy discussed while there are still a little bit flux in Graph Database world. Someday maybe people start to discuss this issue and come up with the result. Well, hopefully :)

Februari 13, 2012

Apache OFBiz - ASF Solution for Enterprise Automation

As my daily jobs require me to pay attention only to the development tools, I don't pay attention to this software in the first place. What I mean by this is, I realized that there is an ERP solution from Apache Software Foundation before but after I promise my students to give them a free and open source software in my "Business Information Systems" class, then I started to look for free and open source ERP package. Then I remember about Apache OFBiz Project which provide with a complete ERP package for free (in the sense of free beer and free speech). In the list below, you may have these functionalities inside (taken from the website):
  1. Advanced e-commerce 
  2. Catalog management 
  3. Promotion and pricing management 
  4. Order management (sales and purchase) 
  5. Customer management (part of general party management) 
  6. Warehouse management 
  7. Fulfillment (auto stock moves, batched pick, pack and ship) 
  8. Accounting (invoice, payment and billing accounts, fixed assets)
  9. Manufacturing management 
  10. General work effort management (events, tasks, projects, requests, etc)
  11. Content management (for product content, web sites, general content, blogging, forums, etc) 
  12. A maturing Point Of Sales (POS) module using a rich client interface 
  13. /etc
The installation is pretty straightforward as it was written in README files that goes inside the tarball (or actually the zipped file) that you can download. Unfortunately, you have to build and populate the database first (at first, it uses only JavaDB, but you may change it to another DBMS software.

To install the software, just unpack and then build and populate database by using Apache Ant which is already included in the distribution, and you are good to go:

$ unzip
$ cd apache-ofbiz-10.04
$ ./ant run-install

 You can not use JDK7 with Apache OFBiz, instead use JDK6 (latest version is 1.6.0_29). I use 1.6.0_27 and it still works correctly. If you use Windows, read the README file. If you are too lazy, wipe away your Windows OS, install Linux, follow the instruction in this blog and you are all set. :p

After finish with "BUILD SUCCESS" notification, run Apache OFBiz using the shell script ( or batch file (startofbiz.bat) if you use Windows. At first you will be overwhelmed by too many messages in console:

$ ./ 
Set OFBIZ_HOME to - /home/bpdp/master/apache-ofbiz/apache-ofbiz-10.04
Admin socket configured on - /
2012-02-14 01:34:02,569 (main) [ :INFO ] [Startup] Loading containers...
2012-02-14 01:34:02,966 (main) [ ] Auto-Loading component directory : [/home/bpdp/master/apache-ofbiz/apache-ofbiz-10.04/framework]
2012-02-14 01:34:03,007 (main) [ ] Loading component : [geronimo]
2012-02-14 01:34:03,062 (main) [ ] Loading component : [sql]
2012-02-14 01:35:00,935 (default-invoker-Thread-11) [       ] [CommonPermissionServices.xml#genericBasePermissionCheck] Checking for primary permission ACCOUNTING_CREATE
2012-02-14 01:35:00,961 (default-invoker-Thread-11) [ ] For Service ECA [fixedAssetPermissionCheck] on [return] got false for condition: [hasPermission][equals][false][true][Boolean]
2012-02-14 01:35:00,972 (default-invoker-Thread-11) [ ] Sync service [JobDispatcher/fixedAssetPermissionCheck] finished in [3751] milliseconds
2012-02-14 01:35:01,000 (default-invoker-Thread-8) [ ] Sync service [JobDispatcher/sendEmailDated] finished in [4124] milliseconds
2012-02-14 01:35:01,105 (default-invoker-Thread-11) [ ] Sync service [JobDispatcher/createMaintsFromTimeInterval] finished in [3898] milliseconds

To see your e-Commerce site (the front page of your Apache OFBiz application), go to http://server:8080/ecommerce.

The backend can be accessed by using http://server:8443/webtools.

For the first time, you may login using "admin" as username and "ofbiz" as password.

Here is the result of backend login:

You may see that this kind of software can be a good example of free and open source software for your business need. If you are a technopreneur, why don't you get involved in the project and sell the service to customers? It's up to you now, you have all you need.


Januari 22, 2012

Arrows Problem in NERDTree Vim Plugin

The NERDTree plugin in Vim is used to present and display directories and files in your filesystem location. I found this plugin very useful to manage my code. The small problem at the first time I used this plugin is the display of explored filesystem. Default in my terminal like this:

Not beautiful of course. So, I tried to find the solution. The problem lies in how we define arrow for explored filesystem. Just add this in your $HOME/.vimrc:
let g:NERDTreeDirArrows=0
Here's the more beautiful result:

Just for the record, I also use this startup NERDTree command in my .vimrc:
" always open NERDTree 
autocmd vimenter * NERDTree

" if the last window is NERDTree, then close Vim
autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && exists("b:NERDTreeType") && b:NERDTreeType == "primary") | q | endif 

let g:NERDTreeDirArrows=0 

Januari 16, 2012

Menggunakan awesome Window Manager untuk Keperluan Sehari-hari

Tulisan ini hanya sedikit sekali membahas tentang awesome Window Manager ( Kalau mau mengetahui apa itu awesome, mengapa dibuat awesome, dan lain-lain yang lebih lengkap, ya ke 'rumah'nya saja. Tulisan ini barangkali tidak akan menarik bagi orang-orang yg tdk menyukai old school. Jika tidak mengetahui arti dari old school, ya berarti memang anda termasuk orang-orang yg tdk menyukai itu. hehehe ...

Saya pertama kali mengetahui awesome dari TL twitter-nya Zed Shaw. Berhubung orang ini memang termasuk freak, saya jadi ingin tahu tentang awesome. Fakta bahwa awesome meng-embedd Lua dan menggunakan Lua untuk konfigurasinya juga menarik perhatian saya.

Untuk menginstall, karena saya menggunakan Frugalware, ya cukup begini saja:
pacman-g2 -S awesome
Kalau memang mau install from scratch alias mengkompilasi sendiri, ya boleh juga. Setelah itu, akan muncul di menu display manager dan bisa dipilih saat akan login. Kalau tidak mengaktifkan display manager, cukup menuliskan berikut ini di file $HOME/.xinitrc:
exec /usr/bin/awesome
Catatan: sesuaikan letak dari binary executable di sistem anda.

Tampilan awal nanti akan seperti berikut ini:

Konfigurasi awasome diletakkan di /etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua dan berupa script Lua. Pada konfigurasi tersebut, saya ubah terminal yang akan digunakan oleh awesome saat menampilkan manual page maupun saya mengeksekusi perintah. Terminal yang saya gunakan adalah mrxvt. sedangkan editor yang saya gunakan adalah vim. Berikut ini adalah bagian yang saya ubah:
-- This is used later as the default terminal and editor to run.
terminal = "mrxvt"
editor = os.getenv("EDITOR") or "vim"
-- editor_cmd = terminal .. " -e " .. editor
editor_cmd = "xterm -e " .. editor
Kondisi lainnya saya biarkan tetap default. Mengaturnya nanti kalau udah punya waktu untuk belajar lagi. Hehehe ... Hasilnya kurang lebih ya seperti ini:

Setelah itu tinggal menggunakan beberapa kombinasi tombol:
  1. [Windows start] + Enter = membuka terminal baru (mrxvt)
  2. [Windows start] + r = eksekusi perintah
  3. [Windows start] + j atau k = mengaktifkan window sebelum atau sesudahnya
  4. [Windows start] + m atau n = maximize window atau minimize window
Tombol [Windows start] di manual awesome adalah tombol Mod4. Tombol ini biasanya digunakan di SO Windows untuk mengaktifkan start menu. Tombol ini sebenarnya bisa diganti-ganti, cuman saya pakai ini karena kasihan tombol itu gak pernah disentuh. hahaha ...

Barangkali cukup itu dulu untuk sehari-hari. Enjoy awesome and become awesome! awesome - wm untuk #gali!