I was once the maintainer of ArangoDB package in AUR. While the package was fine (I think), I am quite tired of having it compiled myself. It's just I am getting older, I guess. Then I prefer binary version after leaving maintainer role. Now I can use it using RPM file of OpenSuSE Factory version - available from ArangoDB download page. Some tweaks are needed anyway. I will give you some tweaks that I successfully use to make it works. In this post, I put all of installation files under /home/bpdp/software/arangodb (a.k.a $ARANGO_HOME).
- Install rpmextract package: # pacman -S rpmextract
- Extract RPM file: $ rmpextract.sh path/to/arangodb-2.5.3-12.1.i586.rpm
- Move conf files into etc: $ mv etc/arangodb/*.conf etc/
- Delete init.d dir (we don't need that): $ rm -rf etc/int.d
- All database will reside in db, so: $ mkdir db
- Here's the dir structure:
$ ls
total 48
drwxr-xr-x 9 bpdp bpdp 4096 May 4 10:31 .
drwxr-xr-x 91 bpdp bpdp 4096 May 4 10:16 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 bpdp bpdp 4096 May 4 10:12 bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 bpdp bpdp 4096 May 4 10:19 db
drwxr-xr-x 2 bpdp bpdp 4096 May 4 10:30 etc
drwxr-xr-x 4 bpdp bpdp 4096 May 4 10:12 lib
drwxr-xr-x 2 bpdp bpdp 4096 May 4 10:12 sbin
drwxr-xr-x 5 bpdp bpdp 4096 May 4 10:12 share
drwxr-xr-x 4 bpdp bpdp 4096 May 4 10:12 var
- Create all needed dirs: cluster and mri (ruby): $ mkdir -p share/arangodb/mr/client/modules; mkdir -p shar/arangodb/mr/common/modules.
- $ mkdir -p var/log/arangodb/cluster; mkdir -p lib/arangodb/cluster
- Edit etc/*.conf to reflect all of those dir location.
- Delete unneeded dirs/files: $ rm -rf lib/systemd/; rm -rf etc/init.d/; rm -rf sbin/rcarango.
- Set PATH and MANPATH. You may put this inside $HOME/.bashrc:
export ARANGO_HOME=$HOME/software/arangodbInstallation finish. You should source .bashrc or open another terminal and then you may active the server daemon and / or arango shell:
- Activate arango daemon: $ arangod -c ~/software/arangodb/etc/arangod.conf
- Enter arango shell: $ arangosh -c ~/software/arangodb/etc/arangosh.conf
That's all I guess, you may now use ArangoDB.
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BalasHapusTerima kasih!